Tiina Sarkinen and colleagues Lynn Bohs, Dick Olmstead and Sandy Knapp have published a species-rich phylogenetic tree of the nightshade family - with more than 1000 species included, this is the biggest Solanaceae phylogeny yet! They used fossils and molecular methods to put dates on lineages in the family - many of the main lineages date from about 25 million years ago. The tree and these well-calibrated dates will allow us to look at evolution of key characters in the family in a robust framework - a real first. The figures from the paper are also available on the Sol Genomics Network website and downloadable from the paper itself.
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PBI Project
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- Breaking with tradition
- Hunting for wild spiny aubergines
- Collecting eggplants in South China
- Botany & Mycology conference 2009
- 2008 Botany meetings
- International Year of the Potato.
- Controversy about origins of the European potato.
- Botany & Plant Biology 2007
- Kangaroo Apple species found in Westminster
- A new Solanum from the heart of Texas
- Dated phylogeny of the Solanaceae published
- Mexican and Central American Lycianthes descriptions on Solanaceae Source
- SOL International - the first virtual meeting of the SOL genomics community
- Solanaceae Source in SpeciesLink
- Solanaceae selected as a pilot family for the Flora do Brasil project
- Worldwide specimen locations