Solanaceae Source

A global taxonomic resource for the nightshade family

Solanum dolichocremastrum

Citation author: 
Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 12: 3. 1913.
Peru. Dombey s.n. (holotype, P00325917 [Correll neg. 48, BM000882119, F-1604845, LL, NY; Morton neg. 3695, BM000882118, MO-5594696, NY]).
Herbs 0.3-1 m tall, erect to slightly decumbent. Stems 0.1-0.9 mm in diameter at base of plant, green or green mottled with purple or entirely purple, usually unwinged, densely pubescent with short white hairs; tubers typically moniliform (multiple tubers arranged along the stolon like beads on a necklace).
Sympodial structure: 
Sympodial units tri- to plurifoliate, not geminate.
Leaves odd-pinnate, the blades 6-18.5 x 3-11 cm, deep green adaxially, light green to sometimes purple abaxially, densely pubescent abaxially and adaxially with short white hairs; lateral leaflet pairs 1-5, decreasing in size toward the leaf base, with the terminal leaflet considerably larger than the laterals; most distal lateral leaflets 0.8-5.6 x 0.4-3 cm, elliptic to lanceolate, the apex acute, the base widely decurrent onto the rachis; terminal leaflet 2.9-12 x 1.5-6.6 cm, ovate to elliptic, the apex acute to acuminate, the base cuneate; interjected leaflets 0-7, sessile, ovate to orbicular; petioles 0.5-1.5 cm, densely pubescent with short white hairs. Pseudostipules when present 5-9 mm long, densely pubescent like the leaves.
Inflorescences 4-15.2 cm, terminal with a subtending axillary bud, in distal half of the plant, forked, with 2-20 flowers, with all flowers apparently perfect, the axes pubescent with short white hairs; peduncle 1.1-8.4 cm long; pedicels 9-41 mm long in flower and fruit, spaced 3-5 mm apart, articulated at the middle.
Flowers homostylous, 5-merous. Calyx 4-7 mm long, the tube 1-3 mm, the lobes 3-4 mm, ovate to lanceolate, with acumens 0-3 mm long, densely pubescent with white short hairs. Corolla 2.4-4.8 cm in diameter, pentagonal to rotate, usually deep purple, the tube 1-2 mm long, the acumens 2-5 mm long, the corolla edges flat, not folded dorsally, with white short hairs on the acumens. Stamens with the filaments 1-2 mm long; anthers 4-8 mm long, lanceolate, connivent, yellow, poricidal at the tips, the pores lengthening to slits with age. Ovary glabrous; style 3-10 mm x ca. 1 mm, exceeding stamens by 2-7 mm, straight, glabrous; stigma clavate to capitate.
Fruit an ovoid to globose berry, 1.2-2.6 cm wide, 1.3-2.9 cm long, deep green, glabrous.
Seeds from living specimens ovoid and ca. 2 mm long, whitish to greenish in fresh condition and drying brownish, with a thick covering of “hair-like” lateral walls of the testal cells that make the seeds mucilaginous when wet, green-white throughout; testal cells honeycomb-shaped when lateral walls removed by enzyme digestion.
Chromosome number: 

2n = 2x = 24 voucher: Ochoa 12070 (CIP) (Hijmans, et al. 2007)


Peru (Depts. Ancash and Huánuco), on rocky slopes and among boulders; 3400-4400 m in elevation.

Flowering and fruiting from February to July.

Solanum dolichocremastrum is a member of Solanum sect. Petota Dumort., the tuber-bearing cultivated and wild potatoes. Within sect. Petota, Solanum simplicissimum is a member of a distinctive clade of southern Ecuadorian and Peruvian species formerly classified in series Piurana and some other series that frequently possess moniliform tubers and shiny coriaceous leaves. On a higher taxonomic level, it is a member of the informally-named Potato Clade, a group of perhaps 200-300 species that also includes the tomato and its wild relatives (Bohs, 2005).


Solanum dolichocremastrum is very similar to S. sogarandinum; both have similar shaped lateral leaflets widely decurrent onto the rachis and the terminal leaflet wider than the laterals. However, S. sogarandinum is a rosette plant whereas S. dolichocremastrum is an erect plant. According to molecular data, they belong to very different clades (Ames, 2008).


Bohs, L. 2005. Major clades in Solanum based on ndhF sequences.
Pp. 27-49 in R. C. Keating, V. C. Hollowell, & T. B. Croat (eds.), A festschrift for William G. D’Arcy: the legacy of a taxonomist. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden, Vol. 104. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.

Hijmans, R., T. Gavrilenko, S. Stephenson, J. Bamberg, A. Salas & D.M. Spooner 2007. Geographic and environmental range expansion through polyploidy in wild potatoes (Solanum section Petota).
Global Ecol. Biogeogr. 16: 485-495.

Ames, M. 2008. Evolutionary relationships of Solanum series Piurana and related species in Solanum section Petota (wild potatoes).
Ph.D. dissertation. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith