Lycianthes barbatula
Not known.
Lycianthes barbatula occurs in Mexico (state of Oaxaca, probably also Chiapas) and Guatemala (departments of Chimaltenango, Quezaltenango, and Suchitepequez) in subdeciduous forest, cloud forest, and near coffee plantations at 920–1600 m in elevation. [note type specimen has a high elevational range of 2650 m, but the specimen may not have been collected that high]. Our knowledge of the distribution and ecology of this species is incomplete due to the paucity of specimens in herbaria.
Dean, E., J. Poore, M. A. Anguiano-Constante, M. H. Nee, T. Starbuck, A. Rodrigues, and M. Conner. 2020. The genus Lycianthes (Solanaceae, Capsiceae) in Mexico and Guatemala. PhytoKeys 168: 1–333.
Gentry, J. L. Jr. and P. C. Standley. 1974. Flora of Guatemala. Fieldiana Botany 24 (part 10) no. 1–2. Chicago, Illinois: Field Museum of Natural History.
IUCN [Standards, Petitions Subcommittee] (2019) Guidelines for using the IUCN red list categories and criteria. version 12. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Subcommittee in February 2019. [accessed December 10, 2019]
Not known.
Lycianthes barbatula is a rarely collected species of Mexico and Guatemala, represented by only 11 collections, only one of which is from a protected area (Cuenca del Lago Atitlán, Guatemala). The EOO is 20,500.215 km2, and the AOO is 28 km2. Following the IUCN (2019) criteria, the preliminary assessment category is Endangered (EN).
Lycianthes barbatula is related to L. manantlanensis Aa.Rodr. & O.Vargas and L. orogenes Standl. & Steyerm. with which it shares relatively thick leaves (thick chartaceous to coriaceous), relatively glabrous foliage, long, delicate, arching pedicels, white corollas, and equal to nearly equal stamens with yellow and brown anthers. Lycianthes barbatula differs from the other two species in having longer calyx appendages and tufts of trichomes in the vein axils along the midvein of the abaxial side of the leaf blade. The fruit color of L. barbatula has been recorded on several specimen labels as being white, and this is also the color given in Gentry & Standley (1974), but there is uncertainty as to whether this is the final color at maturity or a transitional color, as other specimens mention blue-grey or blue-purple fruits.