Solanaceae Source

A global taxonomic resource for the nightshade family


AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
Kunth0Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] 3:. 4.
Walp.0Repert. Bot. Syst. (Walpers) iii. 12, in syn.
Bertol.0in Moris, Stirp. Sard. Elench. App. 7.
Lour.0Fl. Cochinch. 111.
Hort.0Gard. Chron., Ser. III, 34: 256. 1903.
Vent.0Jard. Malm. 10.
A.St.-Hil.0Pl. Rem. Bres. 221. t. 21.
Kunth0Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] 3: 9. t. 198.
D.Don0Brit. Fl. Gard. [Sweet] Ser. 2, 3: t. 255. 1835.
Sweet0Brit. Fl. Gard. [Sweet] Ser. 2, 3: t. 268. 1835.
G. ex Miers Miers,0Hookers J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 5: 173. 1846.
Hemsl.0Biol. Cent.-Amer., Bot. 2: 437. 1882
Miers0Hookers J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 5: 168. 1846.
Durieu0Ind. Sem. Hort. Burdig. (1866) 25.
Miers0London J. Bot. 5: 168. 1846
Graham0in Edinb. N. Phil. Journ. (Jan 1833) 175.
Graham0Edinb. N. Phil. Journ. (Jul.-Sept. 1831) 378.
Miers, ex Miers G.0London J. Bot. 5: 174. 1846
Miers0London J. Bot. 5: 177. 1846
G.Don0Brit. Fl. Gard. [Sweet] Ser. 2, 3: t. 193. 1835.
Millan0Darwiniana v. 540 (1941); et in Darwiniana, iv. 331 (1942).
Miers0Trav. Chile 2: 532. 1826.
Miers0London J. Bot. v. (1846) 167.
Miers0London J. Bot. 5: 171. 1846
H. ex Francey0Biblioth. Bot. 29, Heft 116: 139 (1937), in syn.
Kunth0Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] 7: 205.
(I. M. J. ) Mesa0Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 26: 103. 1981.
(P. ) Phil.0in Verh. Deutsch. Wiss. Ver. Santiago (Chile), ii. 108 (1890); Reiche, Fl.Chile, v. 417 (1910).
Gaudich.0Bot. Voy. Bonite t. 33.
Penny0Hort. Epsom. 34; ex Loud. Gard. Mag. v. (1829) 471.
K. K. & Bouche0Ind. Sem. Hort. Berol. (1855) 12.
M. & Quezada0Bol. Soc. Biol. Concepcion 48: 91 (1974).
K. ex Walp.0Repert. Bot. Syst. (Walpers) 4: 550.
Reiche0Fl. Chile [Reiche] 5: 417. 1910.
K. ex Walp.0Repert. Bot. Syst. (Walpers) vi. 551.
Poepp.0Notiz. Gebiet Natur-u. Heilk. Ser. I, 23: 276. 1829, in adnot.
A.Gray0Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 6: 49. 1862
Skottsb.0Acta Horti Gothob. 15: 438. 1944
H.Mann0Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 7: 191. 1867
(L. ) Phil.0Gartenflora (1884) 356.
Raf., Raf. (W. )0Autik. Bot. 109 (1840).
Raf.0Fl. Tellur. 4: 87. 1836
Raf.0Specchio 1: 158. 1814.
H. F. & ex Ottley0Amer. J. Bot. 19: 395. 1932, in obs.
(S. ) Cabrera0Hickenia 1(14): 81 (1977).
(L. ) Britton, Poggenb. S. &0Prelim. Catal. (1888) 38.
Miers, Miers (K. )0London J. Bot. 5: 189. 1846
Juss.0in Ann. Mus. Par. ii. (1803) 216. t. 47.
Miers0London J. Bot. 5: 185. 1846
Paxton0Paxtons Mag. Bot. 9: 7. 1842.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith